Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Difference Between Android Phones

To put it simply there isn't much of a difference from the Htc hero, to the G1, to the Droid. The majority of the differences lies within the operating system of each phone. Although they are all essentially the same, some phones have an "upgraded" version of the Android operating system. It's important to know this when your moving from one device to another. Some carriers have more than one phone, and therefore, more than one version of the operating system. Now what does that mean to you? That all phones are not created equally. The demonstrations you will see here will work on all devices regardless. There may be more that you can do with one or the other. Carefully consider that every six months another phone comes out with new features. You want to think hard about getting the most recent version of the OS. Right now there are a few phones running android 2.0. While the majority are running 1.6. The mother ship phone is the nexus one, currently running android 2.1. The benefit to owning an android phone is that most are upgradeable. Meaning that from time to time Google and your carrier will be pushing out a new version of the OS for your phone. So by having an android device already, you can be certain (sorry G1 owners), that you will be receiving updates until the processing power of that device will not sustain the OS. Now with that said. There is an option for all of you out there. It's called Custom Rom's. They are developed by freelance developers (rommers, hackers, etc.). They have taken the time to develop a more streamlined version of the OS. They have helped to Port (move) operating systems from one handset to another. These are not supported by the carriers, and they will not fix a phone that has been Rommed, so in this case make sure you do some research. The best place to get started is XDA Developers Forum (.com) They have been around for about three or four years (that I know of) and have heralded these phones and their development. They have been the source of some great programming, and some great innovation. The most successful Roms out there are provided by Ben Buchacher and Cyanogen. their predecessor was Jesus Freak. He has turned the reigns over to these two Gentleman. Their Roms are optimized for pretty much any phone out there. You can find them if you look. I would want to recommend to those who are interested in following this path to please be considerate and donate to them. They have bills too. If you don't then buy apps. Or at least thank them for their hard work. The other word of caution I have for you is that no one, including myself, is responsible if you break (or as it's known brick) your phone so proceed with caution. From time to time I will do a review, but I leave the instruction up to those who have already put the hard work into their videos to teach others the more complicated methods of customization. I will however teach you the basics, and point you in the direction of how to load custom Roms. That's all I have for now. So Please whether you have already purchased an android phone, or are planning to purchase one. Visit my blog to learn how to use it. I will make sure that you understand how to do the simple things, and lead you to the more complex. I will review apps for you, both purchased and free, that way you can make a decision on what to do with your phone. I will also review custom Roms, so you can decide for yourself if it's worth the risk. In my opinion it is. What you now own is a way to manage your life, in every aspect, its a powerful device that can revolutionize how you live your life. There is no limit to what you can do with these devices. So congrats, and welcome to ANDROID.

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